First of all, due to my anxiety level, I hardly slept at all last night, maybe totaling three hours. I'm a girl who needs her sleep and is in bed most nights, before 10:00pm. I did get up early enough to make everyone a decent breakfast and to motivate Malachy as we got started on our first day of school. We hit the books (computer really) by 8:30.
Secondly, my sinuses have been burning since last Friday. I'm thinking it's allergies as the seasons are changing. I took some allergy medication and that took the edge off although it left me in a fog. As the day progressed, I felt more and more nauseous. I'm pretty sure it's not related to the sinus issue, but mainly out of nerves that have been way out of whack. I felt as if I was hyperventilating as we went through some of his lessons. A part of me knows that this is going to get easier as we press on, but the physical part of me was protesting almost every step of the way.
As Steve was getting ready to leave for work, I noticed we were having issues with the wireless router on our end and no internet connection. I almost had a panic attack but Steve was calm, reset the router and up came the network again. There were no other issues with it, but I wondered how you could get your work done in the event this happened again for a longer period of time knowing that a lot of his studies are online.
Today started with the math assessment testing. He needed to complete that on his own, so I set him up on the computer and tidied up the kitchen, which is right next to the room he was in. He wasn't supposed to ask me any questions or for help (answers) and he didn't. After that test, we went through the Introduction to Online Learning. Then his math workbook and back to another assessment test. We didn't cover all his subjects today, the online French classroom wasn't available and I thought it best that I leave the art, science and history for another day. We did tackle most of the Language Art programs and then he finished the last two assessment tests and we called it a day.
The only time he resisted me at all, was when he was adamant he did NOT want meatloaf for lunch! Other than that, he was a really good trooper. He did complain of a headache throughout most of the day and I gave him some children's Advil for that. But the headache is still there even an hour after he finished his school day. I hesitate to connect it to the computer usage today, as he is on a computer a lot every day. But I am going to make an appointment for an eye test anyway. I sent him outside and he rode his bike out back for a while and then came in saying that driving over the bumps in the back yard were worsening his headache. He's inside right now, enjoying a popsicle as I update this blog.
Tomorrow we have an appointment with his teacher, Mrs. Moore. We have had some correspondence via email and she's been very helpful and encouraging. I look forward to this meeting.
It's been a difficult day for me, probably an 8 on a scale of 1 - 10, with 10 being the worst. I still wrestle with thoughts that this is too big for me and worry that he'll fall behind what he is normally capable of accomplishing. And then I read other blogs and see that this is all normal in the beginning. I am honestly looking forward to tomorrow as an easier day.