Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Progress: –noun 1. a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.

Two and a half weeks into the school year and we are still working on a routine.

Yesterday, we finished up early to attend Park Day with the teachers and other families of CAVA. Steve and I really enjoyed talking to a few of the teachers. They seemed so upbeat and motivated to help. Malachy did not connect with any other kids (he kept looking for Zoe) but played on the playground equipment by himself. They handed out frisbees with the school logo on it and after a game of frisbee with his dad, we left to come home.

This morning, he was upstairs and I thought he was sleeping. I went to wake him up for breakfast and he's watching a TV show. This is twice this week that he's pretended he was sleeping so he could sneak in a quick show or build a roller-coaster on his computer (both no-no's before and during the school day). He came downstairs, had his breakfast and then gave me a hard time about starting the school day (it was already close to 9:00am). He wanted a break after one quick french lesson. Heck no! Then it was time for spelling and then math. He complained during the entire math lesson and fought with me to complete his math worksheet.

I'm tired today and don't have much patience to deal with him. I realize my commitment and I have no choice but to keep after him, pushing ever forward.

It was shortly after I let him outside for a 15 minute break that I read yet another article that a friend posted on Facebook regarding how California is so broke (70+ days without a budget), schools are cutting back classes just to survive, how we are wasting $Millions on "standardized testing" and ancient out of date text books. Although I've heard it many times before, it's a constant (nagging!) reminder that this decision to homeschool is bigger than me. This is for HIS future. He will have to compete with others worldwide once he gets into the job market. He needs the best education that we can give him.

And so on that note, we continue to inch forward in today's lessons. And I look forward to my yoga class tonight for my own balance.

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