Wow. It's been one month and one day since I last posted. Because things have been moving along well regarding school, I felt maybe I would have nothing of interest to you to write about. However, my friend Mary assured me that it still is an achievement that things are balancing out after so much frustration in the beginning.
And they are. There are still little conflicts between us but on most days, he's willing to do what he's supposed to do, when he's supposed to do it. All I really have to do is threaten to send him back to the neighborhood school and he pretty much, shapes right up. I have also used his currency (his laptop time) towards a punishment if he really gets out of line.
All in all, he's doing really well in school. He has been signed up for city-run PE Made EZ for Homeschoolers classes, twice a week. Two of his "Friday Park Day" friends attend it and highly recommend it. He has been attending quite a bit of social activities through CAVA (California Virtual Academy) and meeting new friends. Two weeks ago, he attended a "Trampoline Dodgeball" event and made two more friends, one older and one his age. There are so many opportunities to meet new friends that have a lot in common with him and I see him gaining more self-confidence. This was a very shy boy from the get-go and I'm glad to see him outgrowing that.
So today is his ninth birthday and I'm nostalgic at how fast time flies. I know from experience that as they grow older, they want to move even faster towards adulthood. And then, in a blink of an eye, they are gone. Upward and onward to their own lives. And once they start on that fast moving trend forward, there is no turning back. They fly out of the nest at breakneck speed and the most I can hope for, is that they will look back at their childhood with fondness. That the values I've tried to teach them along the way, assist them to be good and thoughtful people. And how critically important it is to come and visit their mother often. Ha!
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