Because we pushed hard all during the school year, today is Malachy's last day of CAVA (California Virtual Academy) curriculum, although he still has almost two more weeks of required attendance. And what a ride it's been!
It's unfortunate that CAVA recently changed their summer management, as now they will not allow the kids to work on their CAVA classes during those months. In fact, they would not send forward any fourth grade curriculum even though some of his third grade studies were done months ago. In this particular instance, we purchased fourth grade and Summer Bridge workbooks both online and at Costco to keep him active. One of the things that attracted me to CAVA was their willingness to let the child learn at their own pace, which for Malachy is quicker than average in some courses. Apparently budget cuts are now affecting the online schools in California as well.
My son does so much better in a somewhat structured environment and so we will continue working on our own over the summer. Not all the time, not every day, but for the most part, we will march ever forward so that there will be no "summer slide" for him. Some day in the future, we may find a better way to educate him but for us, right here, right now, this is his best opportunity to work at his own pace under my loving supervision. Furthermore, I do not wish to switch virtual schools or homeschooling methods at this point, because I remember how anxious I was last summer break. I was so filled with worry, wondering if I could even handle homeschooling and if we were truly doing the best thing for his educational needs. This summer I intend to stay balanced, with full knowledge of what to expect in late August when his next school year begins again.
And so here we find ourselves, nearing in completion of one entire home-schooled year. There were days that we thoroughly enjoyed our experience of being home all day together. There were days that I was more than ready to drop him off at the nearest neighborhood school, disappointed with his attitude. There were frustrating times when I had appointments that had to be scheduled around his calendar. There were days when the entire school day was but a picnic and nature walk (science studies, of course), casually observing the birds and animals at our local parks. We homeschooled while camping at majestic Big Sur. There were a few splashes of fun filled CAVA events with other fellow CAVA students, such as bowling, trampoline dodgeball and ice cream socials. He had opportunities for the traditional school room parties, like the Valentine's/Pizza party and the Halloween party. Steve and I threw a Christmas/Holiday party for some of his former school-mates and new homeschooling friends back in December. I believe that Malachy had a positive school memory for third grade, overall.
And so this concludes this blog, as my "newbie" status changes to "experienced". Thank you kindly for allowing me to vent over the past school year. Thank you for letting me share my fears and frustrations. Thank you for your supportive words and guidance. I hope that somehow this light-hearted blog can help another who may be considering undergoing the same quest to provide their child with the finest, parental assisted education.
This has been our story and we're sticking to it! :-D
Have a great summer and look for information about our online summer clubs we are offering for our enrolled families!
ReplyDeletesteph h