I'm disappointed.
Fall 2009, I had enthusiastically joined the local gym, mostly because of the wonderful classes they were offering and also, to give me the incentive to lose some of that lovely, extra weight that had been slowly creeping up over the past few years. I had been happily going to the gym, attending classes or working out on the machines, almost every day. By the time last Spring rolled around, I lost 15 pounds and felt MAW-VELOUS! I pulled out my smaller clothes that had been boxed away for a few years and was in much better health, as I also battle with high glucose levels and over the past two years, high blood pressure. Some of the women in the classes have become supportive friends that I enjoy seeing several times each week and I absolutely adore my dance/yoga teacher. Everything about the gym has been positive. Well, except for yesterday, when I decided (after avoiding altogether) to stand on the dreaded, fancy scale in the women's locker room. Bleh.
Since Malachy's summer break started last June and especially since home-schooling had begun in late August, I am ashamed to admit that I have gained nearly every, stinking, ugly pound back. I have become much less active, using the gym much less frequently than I did last year at this time. During the day time, we are busy with our heads in the books and working on the computer so that by the time the afternoon comes along, I am too exhausted to work out. Last year, I was taking the dogs for walks in the hills, every few days, and now they too suffer. My clothes are feeling tight and uncomfortable and I am always feeling tired and sluggish. I can relate to that young adult whose life has changed so much during that first year away at college, including that inevitable weight gain.
Facing the facts, I woke up on this rainy Saturday with a determination I haven't felt since last Fall. I reopened my Livestrong/MyPlate account and I am going to start counting calories again and registering my daily fitness. Yes, I know, we are right smack in the beginning of the holiday/Christmas season and I will be bombarded with good food and sweets every where I turn. But I know myself and I know how stubborn I am. When I make up my mind, it's going to happen. And in this case, it's a good thing.
The boy and I, WILL be taking the dogs on walks through the hills (his physical education) on weekdays, whether he likes it or not. I WILL be flexible to adjust some of his daily classes so I can get on the cardio-machines more during the weekdays when I'm not feeling so wiped out. I will make smarter food choices. Hey, is that the theme from Rocky going around in my head right now?
That's it! The Freshman Fifteen and I are at battle and I know who is going to win this war! Welcome back determination!
PS. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!