Having Steve home due to his accident/surgery, has surprisingly enabled me to do a few things that I normally don't have the time for as he's been helping with the homeschooling. For example, this morning I researched who has been reading this humble, little blog. It put a big smile on my face this morning to see that my original, written word has made it all the way from the United States to the United Arab Emirates. From Canada to Argentina, from the United Kingdom to Slovenia, Denmark, Iran, Germany and Russia!
And with my words, I hope that I have given insight as to what my little, American family struggles with, and hopes for, and in the end, laughs about. In my heart, I know that all of us humans are connected in this brief journey we share on Earth. We all want the same things for our children, in whatever form it comes in, where ever we may reside. Whether it be a decent education, memories of a great childhood, an extended caring and loving family, prosperity, freedom from war and disease; these are universal desires.
The internet has made us a smaller world with so much more in common than anyone ever realized before. And it thrills me to no end to be a tiny speck in it.
Thank you.
Speck that you are, you are outstanding.!